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How to Preserve and Display Antique Handmade Doilies

May 28, 2019

Doilies were a must-have during the Victorian era. The delicate table decorations were once something that every young woman learned to make. Over time, the lacy designs became less fashionable, and fewer people learned the crochet technique.

Today, vintage and antique doilies are very appealing to collectors. Stains and rips, as well as what to do with them, are problems many people have when they find a doily they admire or one passed down from their parents or grandparents. Here are some solutions for anyone that wants to get their doilies out of the attic.

Clean Doilies Safely

The material in vintage doilies commonly develops yellow stains. Those that were put away before they were cleaned could also have food stains. Mold and mildew due to years in storage are also common. The lacy designs were delicate when made, but they become even more so when they are decades old.

Soak the doilies in a mixture of hot water and a gentle detergent. Rinse thoroughly and allow them to dry in the sunshine. If the stains remain, and you are willing to risk some damage, add bleach to the mixture and repeat the process again. Commercial stain removers applied directly to the stains may be effective. Do not scrub the doily as it could stretch or tear the material.

If the doily is too important to risk the use of any cleaner, try just the natural approach. Wet the material and place it in the full sun to dry. Lay the doily flat so it will receive sunlight over the entire piece. Repeat the process for the other side of the doily if needed. The UV rays of the sun can bleach out fabric without the caustic effects of chlorine bleach.

Get help from a professional restoration cleaner if the stains remain, if the doily seems too delicate to work on alone, or if you have an emotional attachment to the item. Restoration experts know what cleaners are safe for each type of fabric. Experts will only attempt what they know to be safe.

Display With Pride

The obvious use for a lace doily is as a decorative accent on a table. Of course, you may not want to risk new stains on a recently restored vintage item. Another option is to display the doily in a frame.

To frame a doily, remove the cardboard back from the frame and cover it with a piece of fabric. A solid color rather than a pattern can often draw more attention to the doily. Use a spray adhesive to attach the fabric to the cardboard. Position the doily where desired and either pin or use a few dots of fabric glue to hold it in place. Reassemble the frame.

Glue and pins may be unnecessary if the frame has a tight fit between the backing and the glass. In this instance, position the doily on the inside of the glass, apply the fabric to the back and reassemble. It is still necessary to affix the fabric to the cardboard backing with glue to keep the material taut.

Use With Creativity

Sometimes doilies are too damaged or stained to restore. Most will have still have at least a portion of the design that remains in good condition. Trim out the salvageable section and use to decorate bottles, vases, or to add an interesting detail to other linens. Sew the doily pieces to fabric and decoupage to solid surfaces.

At Crystal Cleaning Center, our cleaning experts have restored many items once thought too stained to save. Contact us or bring your item to us for an evaluation. We will do all we can to bring back the natural beauty of your treasure.

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